Request Teacher Training 1.- What kind of teacher training do you need? —Please choose an option—WebinarShort-term courseLong-term course 2.- What methodological concepts do you need for the training session? —Please choose an option—Second language acquisitionTeaching pronunciationIndividual factors in the learner's developmentObservation and research in the language classroomApproaches to language in the classroom contextContent & Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)Methodological approachesDeveloping language skills in the classroomMaterials and resources in EFL - design, creation, adaptation and evaluationClassroom management - techniques and reflections on practiceComputer Assisted Language LearningTeaching English through TranslationTasks and projectsLearning strategiesEnglish in the communityAssessment and testing in the classroomCurriculum and course design - principles and practiceOther (specify in the textbox) 3.- How many people will take the training? 4.- Which session do you prefer? AfternoonEvening 5.- What is your availability to take the teacher training? MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 6.- When would you like to start? 7.- Write your full name? 8.- Your email: 9.- Name of school/university (Optional): 10.- Cell phone: 11.- Additional information: